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  • akrish1982 9:28 pm on April 11, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: field, infotype,   

    Adding a new field to the infotype: 

    Adding a new field to the infotype:

    Go to PM01 and give the infotype number as 9005. Choose the PS Structure radio button. Now add a new field – say employer as shown.


    Check and activate the structure again. When you activate the PS structure, it will give you some warnings:


    The warnings state that we have to define the enhancement categories of P9005 and PA9005. The infotype generally contains 2 structures and 1 database table. The structures for our infotype are PS9005 and P9005. PS structure is for the account of creating input fields in the dialogue program of infotype and P structure – P9005 contains entries in infotype at runtime. This P structure is created by the system itself while generating the objects of an infotype. The database table for our infotype is PA table – PA9005. This table contains all the ‘time stamped’ entries of the infotype. When you save the infotype entry, it gets stored in the PA table. This table is also created by the system itself while generating the objects of an infotype. The enhancement categories of the P structure and PA table are to be given.

    Open transaction SE11 in a separate window. Open the structure P9005 in the change mode and click on Extras –> Enhancement category. Choose ‘Can be enhanced’ (character type or numeric) and click on copy (green tick mark).Check and activate the structure. Now, in the same way, give the enhancement category of the table – PA9005. Choose ‘Can be enhanced’ (character type or numeric) and click on copy (green tick mark). Notice that the system allows you to open the structure P9005 and table PA9005 in the change mode. It is the case since it is the custom infotype. Now again activate the PS structure. This time, it will not give any warnings. Now click on back. On the PM01 screen, the system gives a warning:


    Since you added a new field, or there was a structure change for PS9005, you have to generate the objects again. Click on the image004button. It will give you some 5-6 warnings. Click on green tick mark on every warning. The system then populates the following screen.


    Click on Yes for this one and few more messages that appear thereafter. Now the infotype is ready with the added field which can be checked in PA30.


    • sri 5:24 pm on December 8, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Its really good and helpful. Thank you guys.

      • Maruthi 12:23 pm on December 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        Images are not displaying

  • akrish1982 9:15 pm on April 11, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: infotype,   

    Custom Infotype creation, tips and tricks 

    Custom Infotype creation, tips and tricks

    You can create a custom infotype through the transaction PM01. The number range for custom infotypes starts from 9001 to 9999. SAP has reserved infotypes numbers from 0000 to 9000 for its standard infotypes.

    For creating an infotype say Interview details, goto transaction PM01 and type any infotype number from 9001 to 9999


    · Select the ‘Employee Infotype’ radio button.

    · Select the ‘PS Structure’ from sub objects box.

    · Click on the edit button below… A separate table maintenance window appears.

    · Create a PS structure with all the fields you want on the Infotype. Whatever fields you will put in this PS structure will come in the infotype as input fields.


    In the above figure, I have put 3 fields as types – char 1. I will convert these fields, check boxes or radio buttons later. It is to be noted that you have to put all the fields which you want to make input enabled in the PS structure. It will be explained in detail at a later stage. Now we have to give the enhancement type of the PS Structure.


    Choose Can be Enhanced – radio button and click on copy.


    · Now Save and Activate the PS structure.

    · Go back to the initial screen of PM01.

    · Click on ‘Generate Objects’ push button. Now few message boxes appear – click on green check box on them. Finally you reach the ‘Infotype Characteristics’ screen.


    Click on ‘New Entries’ Button. You see the ‘Details of added entries’ Screen.

    Enter your Infotype number and short text.

    Here we have to set different Infotype Characteristics as per the requirement. (Better open another session with some standard Infotype’s infotype characteristics screen and use as the reference to fill yours).


    Save your entries. Click on the back button to go to the initial screen of PM01.

    Click on ‘Technical Attributes’. Infotype list screen appears.

    Click on ‘Change’ (pencil) button. It gives you a warning. Click on the green tick mark.

    Click on ‘Position’ button and browse to your infotype. In our case it would be 9005.


    Select your Infotype and click on ‘Detail’ (magnifying glass) button.

    Give ‘T591A’ as subtype table.

    Give ‘T591S’ as subtype txt tab.


    Give your subtype field as subtype field if you want to keep subtypes in this infotype.

    Save and come back to PM01 initial screen.

    Now the Infotype is created and ready to use and is in its basic form.

    To see how infotype looks in its basic form, go to PA30, enter a personal number and give infotype number as 9005.


    Click on the – create button. Notice how the infotype looks in its basic form. Notice that the fields contain the description text from the PS Structure’s short description .


    Now, you would be adding a new field to the infotype and also changing the look and feel of the infotype.

    • Munavvar 11:59 pm on August 5, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      this is just wow. so good. but two screens are not showed up. please try to make it show its screen shot. and thanks for your kind posting.

    • Arpita Karmakar 10:19 am on October 12, 2011 Permalink | Reply

      Very helpful

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